traditional teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a common procedure with over 90% of people surveyed expressing that is the one thing they would most like to improve about their smile. The good news is that teeth whitening is a simple cosmetic procedure designed to remove stains and discoloration within the teeth. The level of whiteness that can be achieved by teeth bleaching will depend on the level of discoloration of the teeth and what led to the staining.

Teeth that are brown or yellow due to coffee, tea, or smoking will generally lighten four to five shades. Teeth darken over time from many things including food, drink, tobacco use, age, trauma, and certain medications. If you are interested in brightening your smile give us a call!

Traditional teeth whitening BEFORE & AFTER

traditional teeth whitening WHAT TO EXPECT

After your examination and consultation our team will take an impression of your smile. We will fabricate a custom-made tray for at-home whitening. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to deliver your custom Whitening Trays and gel. At this second visit we will give you instructions on how to place the bleaching gel in the tray and how long to apply the whitening gel. 

traditional teeth whitening FAQS

What Are My Whitening Options?

There are a few options available and our doctors will be happy to discuss which options might best help you reach your individual smile goals. One of the Teeth Whitening options is: Stain Removal Toothpastes, these work by removing surface stain buy using mild abrasives that scrub the teeth. Another option is Over the Counter Bleaching Products. These products including whitening toothpastes and strips. The concentration of the bleaching agent in these products is lower than what we would use in the office. At home bleaching is our preferred option. Our dentist will provide you with a custom-made tray for at-home whitening. In this case, we will give you instructions on how to place the bleaching solution in the tray and for what length of time.

Does Whitening Work on All Teeth?

No, which is why it’s important to talk to your dentist before deciding to whiten your teeth, as whiteners may not correct all types of discoloration. Whitening will not work on crowns and veneers.

What Are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?

Some people who whiten their teeth may experience tooth sensitivity. In most cases the sensitivity is temporary and there are things we can do to minimize potential sensitivity.


Dr. Gritsiv and Dr. Sawyer will be happy to let you know if Traditional Teeth Whitening is right for you. We invite you to click here to Schedule an Appointment or give us a call at (770) 534-4292 today. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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